7 Tips for Aspiring Authors

I recently had the opportunity to teach a workshop at Writers Victoria on Young Adult Fantasy. I’ve been a member of both WV and, before that, the Queensland Writer’s Centre from when I was first trying to get published over ten years ago. So to say the prospect was both daunting and thrilling is aContinue reading “7 Tips for Aspiring Authors”

Notes from a Wayward Writer

Hello. You may have noticed an awful lot of tumbleweeds rolling through this place lately. That is, if you’ve been back to check in at all, given how long it’s been between updates. The reason for that is that I’ve been away. Really away. In fact, for all of May my wife and I wereContinue reading “Notes from a Wayward Writer”

Lessons in Villainy

The Somerset Celebration of Literature finished last Friday, though I didn’t get home until Sunday after staying on the Gold Coast to visit family…and if you ever get the chance to check out the Gold Coast Hinterland, I highly recommend it! I’ve been to writers’ festivals as an author before…well, once before…but this was theContinue reading “Lessons in Villainy”

3 Tips for a Successful Author Signing

In a couple of days I’ll be flying out to the Somerset Writers Festival to kick off the promotional tour for Vanguard Prime: Wild Card. There’s a variety of events you’re asked to do as a writer, and I have to admit that I find the Q&A-style events the easiest; after all, it’s pretty straightforward answeringContinue reading “3 Tips for a Successful Author Signing”

The Pitfalls of Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.

If you write for long enough, you’ll find that certain turns of phrase show up in your work with disturbing regularity. You might not notice it yourself. Not at first. It’ll sneak up on you like the Predator, all clicks and grrrs and shimmering photosensitive camouflage, with the neon green blood and the shoulder-mounted laser and…Continue reading “The Pitfalls of Repetition. Repetition. Repetition.”